Three and a half minutes of Fame (Tři a půl minuty slávy)
Alex Boucher
Podepsání nahrávací smlouvy ve věku 17 let je něco, co Alex neplánoval, postaví ho to na cestu, která ho dráždivě přiblíží ke slávě, ne jednou, ale třikrát a půlkrát během dalších 7 let.
Věci nejdou vždy podle plánu, když zanechá školu a přeskakuje z amerických nahrávacích smluv na vystoupení v britské televizi, dokonce se při své výpravné snaze o slávu připojí k chlapecké kapele. Alex se zblízka setká s neonacisty a gangsta rappery a zažije tragédie, problémy s duševním zdravím a sexuální zneužívání, to vše během kulturního posunu 90. let a setkání s lidmi jako The Fall, Suede, Blur, Patti Boyd, Mansun a PJ & Duncan na svých cestách. Tři a půl minuty slávy je autentickým ohlédnutím do 90. let, posledního desetiletí před sociálními médii, viděné ze zážitků chlapce z Essexu se snem.
Recenze na knihy:
„Zábavné, nostalgické a bolestně upřímné. Skvělá jízda přes vzestupy, pády, naděje a sny o hraní v 90. letech.“ Lucy Nichol, autorka, The 27 Club and Parklife
„Alex byl v jedné z nejdůležitějších dob britské rockové hudby a neúnavně pozoroval, když hrál na bubny po celé zemi. S láskou a neochvějně to všechno zachytil v této skvělé knize – nádherné čtení.“
Tim Thornton, autor The Alternative Hero & bubeník, Fink
Alex Boucher je spisovatel a hudebník sídlící poblíž Colchesteru v Essexu. Během 90. let si vedl deník a má podrobný archiv svých zkušeností jako bubeník a performer v kapelách včetně Three And A Half Minutes, Travis Cut, NV and Jaff. Od té doby pracoval pro Disney Channel, ITV, BBC a Channel 4 jako zvukař. Nyní provozuje vlastní společnost nabízející služby v odvětví videoher. Během pandemie se rozhodl sepsat své vzpomínky o pokusech stát se slavným v 90. letech tím vytvořil paměti, které předvádějí neviditelný příběh o tom, co se stane, když se neprosadíte.
Three and a half minutes of Fame
Alex Boucher
Signing a record deal at the age of 17 is something Alex didn’t plan for, but it sets him on a path that will bring him tantalisingly close to fame, not once, but three and a half times over the next 7 years.
Things don’t always go as planned as he ditches school and jumps from US record deals to UK TV appearances, even joining a boy band in his epic quest for fame.
Alex encounters neo-nazis and gangsta rappers up close, and experiences tragedy, mental health challenges and sexual abuse, all during the cultural shift of the 90s meeting the likes of The Fall, Suede, Blur, Patti Boyd, Mansun and PJ & Duncan on the way.
Three And A Half Minutes of Fame is an authentic look back at the 90s, the last decade before social media, seen from the experiences of an Essex boy with a dream.
Book reviews:
“Fun, nostalgic and painfully honest. A brilliant ride through the ups, downs, hopes and dreams of gigging in the 90s.” Lucy Nichol, Author, The 27 Club and Parklife
„Alex was there at one of the most pivotal times in British rock music, relentlessly observing while playing his drums all over the country. He’s lovingly and unflinchingly captured it all in this cool book- a great read“
Tim Thornton, author, The Alternative Hero & drummer, Fink
„Alex was there at one of the most pivotal times in British rock music, relentlessly observing while playing his drums all over the country. He’s lovingly and unflinchingly captured it all in this cool book- a great read”. Tim Thornton, author, The Alternative Hero & drummer, Fink
Signing a record deal at the age of 17 is something Alex didn’t plan for, but it sets him on a path that will bring him tantalisingly close to fame, not once, but three and a half times over the next 7 years. Things don’t always go as planned as he ditches school and jumps from US record deals to UK TV appearances, even joining a boy band in his epic quest for fame.
Alex encounters neo-nazis and gangsta rappers up close, and experiences tragedy, mental health challenges and sexual abuse, all during the cultural shift of the 90s meeting the likes of The Fall, Suede, Blur, Patti Boyd, Mansun and PJ & Duncan on the way. Three And A Half Minutes of Fame is an authentic look back at the 90s, the last decade before social media, seen from the experiences of an Essex boy with a dream.
Alex Boucher is a writer and musician based near Colchester, Essex. Keeping a journal during the 90s, he has a detailed archive of his experience as a drummer and performer in acts including Three And A Half Minutes, Travis Cut, NV and Jaff. Since then he has worked for Disney Channel, ITV, BBC and Channel 4 as a sound engineer. He now runs his own company offering services in the video games industry. During the lockdowns, he decided to write down his memories of trying to become famous during the 90s and has produced a memoir that showcases the unseen story of what happens when you don’t make it big.