James Domestic
„Essex neprodukuje jen neentity, které působí tlustě jako dvě krátká prkna v ‚reality show‘, která vyvolává dojem, že celý kraj je pustinou solárií a studií na umělé nehty – produkuje také lidi s integritou, soucitem, a kuráží, kteří jsou připraveni psát a sdílet s vámi kus svého SKUTEČNÉHO života. Přečtěte si tato slova – některá by vás mohla zasáhnout. Dělejte to se mnou.“
(Steve Ignorant, Crass, Conflict, Schwartzeneggar atd.)
„Slova, která koušou, říhají a krvácí ve své brilantnosti“
(Mark Grist, mnoha cenami ověnčený básník a hvězda Channel 4 ‚Mr Drew’s School for Boys‘)
„Unikátní sbírka poetických výprav do lidských duší s humorem, hněvem a rafinovaným použitím jazyka: inspirující a inspirující!“ (Dick Lucas, Subhumans, Culture Shock atd.)
„Jamesova poezie se ostře zaměřuje na syrovou směšnou pravdu o světě, který je přímo před námi všemi.“ (Scott Coe, umělec mluveného slova a bývalý laureát Stamfordu)
„Argh poezie! Toffy v tvídovém oblečení plácají o slípkách? Ne! Vtipná a divoká slova bojující v pytli!“ (The Shend, hudebník, herec, absurdista – Cravat)
„Pomocí chytrých slovních hříček a satiry bez námahy rozebírá společenské normy, politickou krajinu i osobní dilemata.“ (Djordje Miladinović, Thoughts Words Action)
„Tohle procvičí mozek, vyzbrojí mysl.“ Jazyk nám umožňuje komunikovat. Tato slova zapálí v duši oheň. Spalte to všechno a začněte znovu“ (Jerry A. Lang, Poison Idea)
“Neúprosný” (Attila the Stockbroker, sociální surrealistický básník a skladatel)
Steve Ignorant – Crass, Conflict, Schwartzeneggar atd. Slova, která koušou, říhají a krvácejí ve své brilantnosti Mark Grist – básník, oceněný mnoha cenami a hvězda pořadu Channel 4 ‚Mr Drew’s School for Boys‘
James Domestic vyrostl v Clacton-on-Sea v Essexu. Je skladatel, zpěvák, hudebník, DJ, básník, malíř a punker. Je držitelem doktorátu z University of Essex a procestoval svět s The Domestics. Natočil desky s více kapelami, než je zdrávo a rozumné. Užívá si sluníčka a utrácí příliš mnoho peněz za desky. Bydlí v Suffolku se svou partnerkou Lucy a jejich dvěma kočkami, Freddym Fuzzlesem a Susan the Cat, od doby DomesticatedVolume Two se jeho životní styl nezměnil do takové míry, jak by měl. Ale snaží se, čestně.
Domesticated Vol. 3
James Domestic
“Essex doesn’t just produce non-entities who act as thick as two short planks in a ‘reality show’ that gives the impression the whole county is a wasteland of tanning salons and false nail studios – It also produces people with integrity, compassion and guts who are prepared to write words and share a piece of their REAL life with you. Read these words – some might strike a chord with you. They did with me.”
(Steve Ignorant, Crass, Conflict, Schwartzeneggar etc.)
“Words that bite, belch, and bleed in their brilliance”
(Mark Grist, multi-award-winning poet and star of Channel 4’s ‘Mr Drew’s School for Boys’)
“A unique collection of poetic ventures into the human condition, with humour, anger, and a canny use of language: inspired and inspiring!”
(Dick Lucas, Subhumans, Culture Shock etc.)
“James‘ poetry sharply focuses in on the raw ridiculous truth of the world that is right in front of us all.”
(Scott Coe, spoken word artist & former Stamford Poet Laureate)
“Argh poetry! Tweed-garbed toffs waffling about moorhens? Nah! Funny and fierce words fighting in a sack!”
(The Shend, musician, actor, absurdist, and Cravat)
“Through his use of clever wordplay and satire, Domestic effortlessly dissects societal norms, political landscapes, and personal dilemmas.”
(Djordje Miladinović, Thoughts Words Action)
“This exercises the brain, weaponizes the mind. Language gives us a way to communicate. These words start fires in the soul. Burn it all down and start all over again”
(Jerry A. Lang, Poison Idea)
(Attila the Stockbroker, social surrealist poet and songwriter)
“Essex doesn’t just produce non-entities who act as thick as two short planks in a ‘reality show’ that gives the impression the whole county is a wasteland of tanning salons and false nail studios – It also produces people with integrity, compassion and guts who are prepared to write words and share a piece of their REAL life with you. Read these words – some might strike a chord with you. They did with me.” Steve Ignorant – Crass, Conflict, Schwartzeneggar etc.
“Words that bite, belch, and bleed in their brilliance” Mark Grist – multi-award-winning poet and star of Channel 4’s ‘Mr Drew’s School for Boys’
“James‘ poetry sharply focuses in on the raw ridiculous truth of the world that is right in front of us all.” Scott Coe – spoken word artist & former Stamford Poet Laureate
“Through his use of clever wordplay and satire, Domestic effortlessly dissects societal norms, political landscapes, and personal dilemmas.” Djordje Miladinović – Thoughts Words Action
“This exercises the brain, weaponizes the mind. Language gives us a way to communicate. These words start fires in the soul. Burn it all down and start all over again” Jerry A. Lang – Poison Idea
James Domestic grew up in Clacton-on-Sea in Essex. He is a songwriter, vocalist, musician, DJ, poet, painter and punk. He holds a doctorate from the University of Essex and has toured the world with The Domestics. He’s made records with more bands than is healthy or sensible.
He enjoys sunshine and spends too much money on records. He resides in Suffolk with his partner, Lucy, and their two cats, Freddy Fuzzles and Susan the Cat, and since DomesticatedVolume Two his lifestyle has not changed to the degree it should have. But he is trying, honest.