28. októbra 2024

An Alternative History of Zines & DIY Music Culture (1975-2025)

Alastair MacDonald Jackson
Většina knih o hudebních tématech se zaměřuje na hlavní metropolitní centra New Yorku nebo Londýna. Alastair MacDonald Jackson nejen přesouvá pozornost na malou zemi v severní Evropě – Skotsko – ale zdokonaluje i hudební tvůrce ze samých periferií tohoto místa. Se zaměřením na produkci hudebních zinů, kde do hry vnáší vlastní zkušenosti, se kniha zabývá i souběžnými cestami kazetových labelů, nezávislých nahrávek a zapojením žen do vývoje skotské nezávislé hudební scény, a to v závěru nedávným oživení ve všech stupní DIY.
Cestou se vydává po méně frekventovaných (jednostopých) silnicích a prozkoumává některé hudební příběhy skotských ostrovů s překvapivými výsledky. Věděli jste, že návrhář Sex Pistols Jamie Reid žil na ostrově Lewis, když mu zavolal Malcolm McLaren? Co takhle podniknout cestu na ostrov Raasay, kde se narodila babička Joea Stummera, nebo se dozvědět něco o punkovém albu nahraném na Lewis a hraném Johnem Peelem, nebo o labelu založeném na Isle of Eigg…
Obsahuje nové rozhovory se členy The Rezillos, The Pastels, Echo & The Bunnymen, The Slits, The Bluebells, Strawberry Switchblade, Shop Assistants, Bis, The Mission, BMX Bandits, Soup Dragons, Pictish Trail, Fizzbombs, the Vaselines, Rote Kapelle , Close Lobsters & Urusei Yatsura, stejně jako majitelé kazetových labelů a editoři zinu Bam Balam, Ripped & Torn, Slow Dazzle, Juniper Beri-Beri, The Next Big Thing, Honey At The Core, Heavy Flow, Paper Bullets a další.

Dear Smash Hits, We’re From Scotland!

An Alternative History of Zines & DIY Music Culture (1975-2025)

Alastair MacDonald Jackson

Most books about music related topics focus on the major metropolitan centres of New York or London. Alastair MacDonald Jackson not only shifts the focus to a small country in northern Europe – Scotland -but hones in the music makers from the very peripheries of the place. With a focus on the production of music zines, where he brings his own experience into play, the book also looks at the concurrent journeys of cassette labels, independent recordings and women’s involvement in the development of the Scottish independent music scene, concluding with the recent resurgence in all things DIY.

Along the way, he takes the (single track) roads less travelled, exploring some of the musical back stories of the Scottish islands, with some surprising results. Did you know Sex Pistols designer Jamie Reid was living on the island of Lewis when he got the call from Malcolm McLaren? How about taking a journey to the island of Raasay where Joe Stummer’s grandmother was born, or finding out about the punk album recorded on Lewis and played by John Peel, or the record label based on the Isle of Eigg…

Featuring new interviews with members of The Rezillos, The Pastels, Echo & The Bunnymen, The Slits, The Bluebells, Strawberry Switchblade, Shop Assistants, Bis, The Mission, BMX Bandits, Soup Dragons, Pictish Trail, Fizzbombs, the Vaselines, Rote Kapelle, Close Lobsters & Urusei Yatsura, as well as cassette label owners and zine editors of Bam Balam, Ripped & Torn, Slow Dazzle, Juniper Beri-Beri, The Next Big Thing, Honey At The Core, Heavy Flow, Paper Bullets and more…

Featuring new interviews with members of The Rezillos, The Pastels, Echo & The Bunnymen, The Slits, The Bluebells, Strawberry Switchblade, Shop Assistants, Bis, The Mission, BMX Bandits, Soup Dragons, Pictish Trail, Fizzbombs, the Vaselines, Rote Kapelle, Close Lobsters & Urusei Yatsura

With a focus on the production of music zines, where he brings his own experience into play, the book also looks at the concurrent journeys of cassette labels, independent recordings and women’s involvement in the development of the Scottish independent music scene, concluding with the recent resurgence in all things DIY.

Along the way, he takes the (single track) roads less travelled, exploring some of the musical back stories of the Scottish islands, with some surprising results. Did you know Sex Pistols designer Jamie Reid was living on the island of Lewis when he got te call from Malcolm McLaren? How about taking a journey to the island of Raasay where Joe Stummer’s grandmother was born, or finding out about the punk album recorded on Lewis and played by John Peel, or the record label based on the Isle of Eigg…